Clearing the fog of B.S. is committed to promoting clarity and integrity in communication.
Our goal is to encourage readers to think critically as they wade through the flood of facts and fictions inundating us as citizens and consumers of information.
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Controlling the narrative: the new way to cover up lies
Once upon a time, when newspapers were the gold standard for journalism, I had a phone fight about who should shape the news. After raising…Read more
For facts, turn to fiction
Once upon a time, when school shootings were unheard of, a working journalist I knew agreed to teach a news-reporting class to college students who…Read more
Willful ignorance is no defense for denying the truth
Facts don’t cease to exist because they are ignored. -- Aldous Huxley, Proper Studies, 1927 Bullshit thrives in a state of ignorance. So, you’d think with…Read more
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About RBD Media
What we say and how we say it can shape what others believe and how they act – or react.
It has always been thus.
But in our rapidly evolving digital age, information is generated so quickly it’s hard to keep up. Consequently, lies too often carry the same weight as truths.
And when lies are repeated ad nauseam by cynical communicators with self-serving agendas, the common good is not well served.
The goal of is to encourage readers to think critically as they wade through the flood of facts and fictions inundating us as citizens and consumers of information.
Secrets of the trade shares insights on how writing masters craft influential works.
· Robert’s Rules blogs focus on messaging aimed at elucidating and obfuscating.
· Writer at work shows developing and published works by Robert Douglas.
· Your turn welcomes your input. Feel free to respond to anything you see on — or just vent about the flawed state of communications today.
Robert Douglas